It's already the beginning of September; life gets so busy and time seems to go by faster and faster. It's hard sometimes to find a balanceand keep all those plates spinning, and then when we think we're doing well we realize that we've neglected someone or something important.
We're always rush, rush, busy, busy and yet the occasions when we genuinely need to rush are really a lot less frequent then we convince ourselves! Rushing has become a habit and being very busy has weirdly become a badge of pride for many of us. Unfortunately though all this stressful rushing about with a hundred things to do on our list is not so good on our mental, physical and emotional health...
PhysicallyWhen we are rushing our body is literally in panic mode. Our physical systems feel as if they are constantly being stressed to meet deadlines. An occasional shot of adrenaline may be good for us but a continuous stream of it wears down our body and it's immune system.
Mentally when we are rushing, our mind is always on high alert. Thoughts of things we need to get done and things we have yet to do plague our mind making us feel irritable, impatient and unaccomplished.
Spiritually we are denied enjoyment and peace in the present moment which is now. A lot of the time we are physically here but really we're somewhere else. This always wanting to be somewhere we're not creates a lot of the stress we suffer. It is hard to stop rushing isn't it and trust that 'everything in your life is exactly as it should be!'