Treat your feet and your whole being will thank you
Our feet (and hands) are mirrors of our internal body. Different parts or 'reflexes' of the feet and hands correspond to all the glands, organs and parts of the body; and by stimulating or 'working' on these reflexes using our thumbs and fingers the whole body is treated.Through deep relaxation the effects of stress are alleviated, we are put in a 'safe place' where our body's systems can return to their natural balanced state, healing takes place and there is a sense of well being on all levels.
Reflexolgy is a healing art, ancient in its application and slowly becoming integrated into mainstream medicine. As well as being great for the 'sole', I've seen many conditions from frozen shoulder, M.E, diabetes and digestive and hormonal issues greatly improved through this treatment.
Reflexology is lovely as a stand alone treatment but can also be enjoyed alongside any of the other treatments I offer in order to create a personalised session based on your needs. Prices and Availability
The benefits.....
- Since Reflexology treats the whole body it has been shown to be effective for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.
- There is a relief from stress and stress related conditions such as insomnia, headaches, digestive problems and fatigue.
- The efficiency of blood circulation is improved as muscular and emotional tension is released, thus nourishing the internal organs and keeping them healthy.
- The efficiency of lymph circulation is improved as crystalline deposits of waste materials, mainly calcium or uric acid are broken down in the feet. This stimulates circulation so that the lymph system can more easily eliminate them, helping to detoxify the body.

- The nervous system is stimulated via nerve endings in the feet and hands, encouraging the opening of neural pathways. This allows messages to travel unimpeded so that the organs and systems of the body can work together effectively.
- Hormonal imbalances, PMT and menopausal symptoms are relieved.
- Universal life energy known as 'prana', 'chi' or 'ki' in different traditions such as yoga and martial arts is encouraged to move freely around the body as stagnant trapped energy is released. This brings life and balance back to the body, mind and spirit.

- There is an awareness of the mind, body, spirit connection.