Yes, this year why not avoid the hustle and bustle of busy shops, the queues and the worry and anxiety over whether or not online presents will arrive on time (Ar humbug!); by taking care of your Christmas shopping at the same time as enjoying a relaxing massage?!?!
Aha, I can sense your shoulders dropping already!
Well last week I was feeling very creative and came up with these hand made (well computer made) gift vouchers.
They can be purchased for the price of a treatment or for £5, £10, £15, £20 towards the cost of a treatment.
A massage treatment really does make an excellent gift idea for somebody you care about, It's a gift of relaxation and something for them to look forward to in the new year (can be redeemed at any time). It may even set them off on a healthier way of being for the new year ahead.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!
Beth xx
Monday, 2 December 2013
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
A new heated massage table + 10minutes extra free massage = just what you kneaded to relax this winter!

Heated before you arrive and temperature controlled for your comfort during the treatment; this warming pad provides a soothing heat and an added bit of luxury to your much needed autumnal/winter massages.
How the colder weather effects our muscles and joints....
- We tend to hold ourselves differently; In an attempt to keep warm we try to make ourselves smaller by hunching our back and shoulders and bringing our head down. Such bad posture enivitably leads to aches and pains in our upper back, neck and shoulders.
- The colder months also bring lower air pressure which can cause the soft tissue around our joints to expand. Joint movement is infringed and pain radiates into the surrounding muscles.
- For this reason conditions such as fibromylagia, arthritis and chronic aches and pains may be exacerbated.
- Our muscles automatically tighten up in cold weather and high speed involuntary muscle contraction (or shivering) makes us more prone to muscle cramps and spasms.
''Come and melt into the warmth of my new heated table + enjoy an extra 10min free massage work as a great reason to not get up straight away!''
(offer includes all treatments except hot stone work and ends 20th December 2013)
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Mellow your mind and boost your immune system with a massage!
Well folks I think that may be the end of our lovely, long, hot summer; it's certainly starting to feel a little chilly and the nights are drawing in fast.
I admit there is a part of me that still longs for just a bit more sun; but at the same time I do love this time of year for it's the season of change and new beginnings.
Even if you're not involved with the rhythms of the new school year, September is the month where we settle back down into life, work or study after the summer break. It's the season we feel inspired to learn something new, take up a new hobby or breath life into an old project as we return feeling refreshed and energized.
Unfortunately though the sudden drop in temperature also means colds, coughs and flu and being struck down by such seasonal bugs can really put us out of action before we've even begun.
Whilst eating plenty of antioxidant rich foods and getting enough sleep and exercise is essential for staying healthy; did you know that massage is also a great and enjoyable way of warding of those seasonal bugs?!
How massage strengthens the immune system.....
- Clinical trials have shown that levels of stress causing hormones such as cortisone are reduced after massage and levels of serotonin, our feel good hormones are increased.
- The negative effects of stress on the immune system is one of the biggest reasons why massage is so beneficial at helping us fight off illness.
- Clinical trials have shown that massage stimulates white blood cells or killer T cells (the bodies army) by decreasing levels of cortisone which destroy these natural killer cells, thus giving the immune system a boost.
- Receiving massage on a regular basis also increases levels of naturally occurring antibodies that are needed to fight of illness.
- Massage reduces the production of cytokines which encourage inflammation and pain in the body.
- Circulation of blood and lymph flow is improved thus improving the overall health of the body and flushing nasty bugs from the body more effectively.
The essence of immunity, is the ability for the white blood cells to distinguish self from non self. A weakened immune system not only results in us being more susceptible to illness but it also increases our attraction to negativity and bad food choices.
Emotional symptoms of a poor functioning immune system include poor self esteem, lack of self care, lack of order in personal life and an attraction to junk food. Improving the function of the immune system not only helps us fight illness but it may also help in resolving some of these emotional issues.
So mellow your mind and boost your immune system with a massage!
Feeling rested and with my batteries fully charged I look forward to treating you all again soon.
Beth x
Monday, 1 July 2013
Get your body ready for summer with lymphatic body brushing.
Free with any massage treatment this month
lymphatic body or dry skin brushing has been around for centuries. The Japanese vigorously rub their bodies with loofahs before bathing, the Cherokee Indians brush their skin with dried corn husks to enhance their skins beauty and the Comanche Indians are known to scrub their skin with sand.
Dry skin brushing combined with massage has been popular mainly amongst the Russians, Turks and Scandinavians. More recently it was recommended to patients by a Finnish Dr. and is still popular in Europeans spas and many cancer centers today.
The skin is the largest and most important organ of elimination, in fact a quarter of all toxins released from the body daily are through the skin. Dry skin brushing deals with the detoxification of the skin and when combined with massage, the benefits are greatly enhanced.
The technique I have developed involves using long flowing strokes and circular motions to as to be like a massage in itself. I hope you'll agree it's a lovely start to a treatment due to its stimulating and preparatory effect on the body and quietening effect on the mind.
The benefits of dry skin brushing before a massage ....
Enjoy! x
lymphatic body or dry skin brushing has been around for centuries. The Japanese vigorously rub their bodies with loofahs before bathing, the Cherokee Indians brush their skin with dried corn husks to enhance their skins beauty and the Comanche Indians are known to scrub their skin with sand.
Dry skin brushing combined with massage has been popular mainly amongst the Russians, Turks and Scandinavians. More recently it was recommended to patients by a Finnish Dr. and is still popular in Europeans spas and many cancer centers today.
The skin is the largest and most important organ of elimination, in fact a quarter of all toxins released from the body daily are through the skin. Dry skin brushing deals with the detoxification of the skin and when combined with massage, the benefits are greatly enhanced.
The technique I have developed involves using long flowing strokes and circular motions to as to be like a massage in itself. I hope you'll agree it's a lovely start to a treatment due to its stimulating and preparatory effect on the body and quietening effect on the mind.
The benefits of dry skin brushing before a massage ....
- Removes dead skin cells. Our skin is constantly renewing itself and dead skin cells can sometimes build up on the surface of our skin. Dry skin brushing removes this layer improving the skins health and ability to renewal. The skin is able to function more efficiently and so putting less burden on other organs of elimination. Essential oils used during massage are also more readily absorbed.
- Great for the skin. The exfoliating effect of dry skin brushing leaves the skin feeling silky soft as dead cells are shed. The skin feels tighter, more toned and it's appearance improved. The skin is less congested and swelling is reduced.
- De toxes the body. Dry brushing before the massage give the lymphatic system a good kick start! This has a detoxing effect on the whole body as toxins are released, thus improving overall health.
- Improves the appearance of cellulite. This may take up to 5 months but the dimpling effect commonly found on thighs and bums can be improved as trapped, toxic deposits of subcutaneous fat and fibrous tissue are gradually eliminated.
- Improves blood circulation. As well as increasing blood flow to the skin, dry skin brushing combined with massage acts as a great internal massage; thus nourishing our organs and keeping them healthy. Muscles are also repaired and kept healthy.
- Strengthens the immune system. By removing extra toxins from the skin and improving blood circulation the immune system is strengthened and risk of infection reduced. This is why dry skin brushing and massage are used in many holistic cancer centres. The lymph vessels are stimulated and toxic mucoid matter is drained into organs of elimination thus purifying the system.
- Tones the muscles by stimulating the nerve endings which cause individual muscle fibres to activate and move.
- Improves the function of the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin.
- Invigorates your whole body!
Enjoy! x
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Not to Hot for a Hot Stone Massage!
The Stones...
I love working with the hot stones; their firmness and weight coupled with their comfortable heat enhances the many benefits of a regular massage.
When used to massage, their heat penetrates deep into muscle tissue allowing muscles to relax 4-5 times quicker then a normal massage; thus releasing tight muscle restrictions more effectively and without the discomfort sometimes felt.
Increased blood flow to the areas being worked accelerates any healing processes, making hot stone work great for remedial work.
One with my hands, the heat and energy from the stones creates a soothing experience and a state of deep mental relaxation.
How to enjoy hot stones....
Relax and enjoy!
Beth x
I love working with the hot stones; their firmness and weight coupled with their comfortable heat enhances the many benefits of a regular massage.
When used to massage, their heat penetrates deep into muscle tissue allowing muscles to relax 4-5 times quicker then a normal massage; thus releasing tight muscle restrictions more effectively and without the discomfort sometimes felt.
Increased blood flow to the areas being worked accelerates any healing processes, making hot stone work great for remedial work.
One with my hands, the heat and energy from the stones creates a soothing experience and a state of deep mental relaxation.
How to enjoy hot stones....
- A full body massage
- A full body massage + attention to areas that need it (recommended time 75/90min)
- Full back, neck and shoulder massage
- A remedial massage
- A reflexology session
- An holistic facial and head massage
- An ear candling treatment
Relax and enjoy!
Beth x
Saturday, 20 April 2013
A little bit about deep tissue/remedial massage
It is helpful to imagine a muscle in the body as being composed of individual muscle fibers or 'strings'

These knots or adhesions together with muscular tension affect the nerves governing vital organs and represent blockages in blood and lymph circulation. Fresh blood is prevented from flowing to the local area, toxins build up and we begin to feel those troublesome aches and pains.
Adhesions can also form between different structures, such as between a ligament and tendon or a muscle and bone; leading to stiffness or a significant restriction in movement. All in all we begin to feel the need for a massage!

It may take a few sessions to break down large fibrous knots that have formed over a long period of time but to feel your muscles relaxing and realigning to where they should be is always deeply satisfying. The body becomes open and clear encouraging a healthy blood, lymph and energy flow; and thus stimulating healing of the body's systems.
You may at certain points feel discomfort but this is more of a 'feel good pain' and I will never work outside of your comfort range. This is not to say that this work is not pleasurable, in fact many people report an increased degree of relaxation, alleviation of pain and longer lasting benefits when compared to regular 'relaxation' massage.

In fact a short (10-15min) massage before exercise increases blood flow to the muscles; warming them up and so helping to keep ligaments,tendons and muscles loose and flexible. Whilst a post exercise massage (again 10-15min) allows the mind and body to relax and improves recovery time by flushing toxins (metabolic waste) away from the muscle tissue.
In general this treatment is especially helpful for people suffering from chronically tense and contracted areas of the body such as stiff necks, lower back tightness and sore knotted shoulders. There is an improvement in many stress related conditions such as high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia and digestive problems; the mind relaxes and the body returns to its natural balances state.
Over time your muscles learn what it feels like to be relaxed; this helps you become more in tune with your body and conscious of your posture and alignment as well as any tension you may be holding. Postural problems are improved and there is a positive body awareness and an improved body image through relaxation and connection to self.
We become 'in tune' with ourselves.
A deep tissue session may be spent working solely on problematic areas of the body such as the back, neck and shoulders or for a longer full body massage, deep tissue techniques can be combined with more traditional Swedish strokes so as to work deeply when the need a rises without becoming too over whelming. So....
Look forward to seeing some bodies soon!
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Spring clean massage
Detox, De stress, Relax and Re align with a Really good spring clean massage...
Well it’s been a long time coming but I think spring may finally be here. The days are certainly longer and lighter and the occasional burst of sunshine has had me outside freshening up old paint work and cleaning windows; albeit with a big winter coat, scarf and hat on!
1. Improved effectiveness of the lymphatic system flushes out toxins from the body helping you to feel lighter and invigorated.
1. Stretch out all those muscles that have been scrunched up from the cold and release all that tension your bodies been holding onto.
2. Physically working into tight, congested muscles allows built up toxins to be released thus easing aches and pains.
Create some space
1. Releasing tension allows your shoulders to drop and space to be created around your head, neck and shoulders which allows for a better posture.
2. Stretching, lengthening and realigning the muscles to where they should be creates space in the body enabling better circulation of blood and lymph, greater mobility and freedom of movement.
3. Relax, breathe and empty your mind!
Freshen up
1. Breaking down knots. adhesions, stretching and realigning muscle fibres allows fresh nutrient rich blood to flow unimpeded around the body thus improving the health of internal organs
2. The life force energy known as 'prana', 'Chi' or 'Ki' in different traditions such as yoga and martial arts is encouraged to move freely around the body as stagnant trapped energy is released. This brings life and balance back to the body, mind and spirit.
Well it’s been a long time coming but I think spring may finally be here. The days are certainly longer and lighter and the occasional burst of sunshine has had me outside freshening up old paint work and cleaning windows; albeit with a big winter coat, scarf and hat on!
It’s amazing how
just cleaning out a cupboard or a drawer can make us feel so much better; the
process of throwing away things we don’t use or need anymore, creating space
and freshening things up is certainly good for the soul.
So if like me you’re
enjoying a good sort out this Easter then spare a thought for your body and
mind which may also be in need of a good spring clean!
Here’s how a
spring clean massage can help....
Let go of what
you don't need
1. Improved effectiveness of the lymphatic system flushes out toxins from the body helping you to feel lighter and invigorated.
2. Physically working into areas of the body releases all that stress
and tension you've been collecting.
3. A sense of relaxation will leave you feeling like your thoughts have
been De-cluttered!
Clean inside those hidden places
1. Stretch out all those muscles that have been scrunched up from the cold and release all that tension your bodies been holding onto.
2. Physically working into tight, congested muscles allows built up toxins to be released thus easing aches and pains.
Create some space
1. Releasing tension allows your shoulders to drop and space to be created around your head, neck and shoulders which allows for a better posture.
2. Stretching, lengthening and realigning the muscles to where they should be creates space in the body enabling better circulation of blood and lymph, greater mobility and freedom of movement.
3. Relax, breathe and empty your mind!
Freshen up
1. Breaking down knots. adhesions, stretching and realigning muscle fibres allows fresh nutrient rich blood to flow unimpeded around the body thus improving the health of internal organs
2. The life force energy known as 'prana', 'Chi' or 'Ki' in different traditions such as yoga and martial arts is encouraged to move freely around the body as stagnant trapped energy is released. This brings life and balance back to the body, mind and spirit.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Create a valentines love potion with essential oils!
Since the ancient Egyptians, essential oils have been used to enhance health, beauty, fertility and of course love. The Greeks learned from the Egyptians exactly how to use the oils and this knowledge has since spread throughout the rest of the world.
Today modern research has confirmed that essential oils do influence the brain; creating subtle changes in brain chemistry so as to produce specific and repeatable emotional responses in an individual.
So in the spirit of valentines I thought it would be fun to create a 'love potion' for you to take home and use in the bath. Only £1 with any treatment or gift voucher (or 50p if you bring back an old bottle), the following essential oils are known to create a mood enhancing atmosphere with aphrodisiac effects...!
Jasmine: This night time fragrance is said to reveal the inner temptress hidden in every women and its floral scent is surprisingly pleasing to men; in fact Jasmine is considered to be a sacred flower in ancient Persia and is reputed to attract a lover due to its irresistible aroma!
Ylang Ylang: The 'flower of all flowers' or 'fragrance of all fragrance'. Ylang Ylang is native to Asia and is associated with weddings and honeymoons; where petals are spread over the bed of the newly weds. Known for its calming effect on the nervous system ylang ylang releases inhibitions and boosts sexual confidence.
Patchouli: Unlock the hidden depths of your passion with the deep and mysterious scent of patchouli. This oil is also good if you and your partner haven't been getting on recently as it helps calm and settle things down after an argument. This oil is best used in a blend as it has a very persistent aroma; but just one drop will add a hint of oriental mystery to your night.
Neroli: Citrusy and sensual this oil both calms and arouses at the same time; in fact Victorian brides wore a sprig of neroli in their head dress as well as carrying it in their bridal bouquet so as to calm their nerves and stimulate romance for their wedding night.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
The best time of year for a hot stone massage and a bit of pampering...
Of course February brings valentines day where if we're lucky we get to be pampered for the day but if you can't wait till then or you're just looking to show yourself that you care then I hope you enjoy this months massage idea (which also makes a great valentine gift idea)! So come and.......
''Warm your bones with a hot stone massage and pamper your soul with a free soothing face massage''
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about
life. . .
He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf is evil—he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego. The other is good –he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.” They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The Elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”
He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf is evil—he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego. The other is good –he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.” They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The Elder simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Start the new year with a detoxing massage
Happy New Year!
I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas and are feeling positive about the year ahead. This is always a great time to assess and rejuvenate, as the beginning of the new year offers us a chance to reflect and a clean slate in which to start a new.
Physically though you may still be feeling the effects of Christmas, with all the excessive eating and drinking we do as well as the lack of sleep and exercise it's little wonder that we begin the new year feeling less than our best.
Drinking plenty of water, eating clean healthy food and getting some exercise will all help us feel better and of course enjoying a massage will be sure to give your body a clean slate too!
Detox with a massage
Thousands of channels, veins, arteries and energetic pathways (called meridians) run through our body like little highways; a healthy body moves energy, fluid and solid matter through these channels freely without obstruction however toxic build up can cause congestion in these channels, interrupting our body's ability to function properly. You may find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, constipated, head achy, low in mood and uncomfortable in your body. An essential element of detoxing is too get things moving...

To further cleanse your body and return it's systems to a balanced state; an oil blend containing the essential oil Juniper berry can be used during the massage. Juniper berry has an earthy, refreshing and pine like aroma; it is extracted from the berries of the Juniper tree which is found in Northern Europe, Canada and Scandinavian. This oil is well known for its cleansing properties....
I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas and are feeling positive about the year ahead. This is always a great time to assess and rejuvenate, as the beginning of the new year offers us a chance to reflect and a clean slate in which to start a new.
Physically though you may still be feeling the effects of Christmas, with all the excessive eating and drinking we do as well as the lack of sleep and exercise it's little wonder that we begin the new year feeling less than our best.
Drinking plenty of water, eating clean healthy food and getting some exercise will all help us feel better and of course enjoying a massage will be sure to give your body a clean slate too!
Detox with a massage
Thousands of channels, veins, arteries and energetic pathways (called meridians) run through our body like little highways; a healthy body moves energy, fluid and solid matter through these channels freely without obstruction however toxic build up can cause congestion in these channels, interrupting our body's ability to function properly. You may find yourself feeling sluggish, tired, constipated, head achy, low in mood and uncomfortable in your body. An essential element of detoxing is too get things moving...
- Massage is not only relaxing but the firm rhythmic strokes applied towards the heart greatly improves circulation around the body. Fresh oxygenated blood improves the functioning of the colon as well as other organs involved with the elimination of waste.
- A combination of different massage strokes and alternating application of pressure, gently compresses and stretches the muscle tissues enabling toxins to be released.
- The firm flowing movements applied to the body also stimulates the lymphatic system which our body relies upon as the main system for eliminating waste. (The lymphatic system is one of those highway networks' and getting this moving more efficiently will greatly assist in clearing away toxins).
- As you relax so does your body, which allows it to return to its natural balanced state; this in turn enables it to cleanse/de tox more effectively.

To further cleanse your body and return it's systems to a balanced state; an oil blend containing the essential oil Juniper berry can be used during the massage. Juniper berry has an earthy, refreshing and pine like aroma; it is extracted from the berries of the Juniper tree which is found in Northern Europe, Canada and Scandinavian. This oil is well known for its cleansing properties....
- The chemical compounds found in Juniper berry have very strong detoxifying effects on the body (and so not advisable if pregnant or suffering from kidney problems)
- Juniper berry is great at helping the digestive system to function properly particularly in the cases of obesity and after an over indulgence of food. It's helpful for indigestion, flatulence and regulating bowel movements.
- Great for hangovers or if you've been drinking a lot of alcohol recently; Juniper helps the body to retain water in our cells and so protecting us from dehydration.
- A great tonic for the liver, Juniper assists in the elimination of uric acid and so may prove helpful in those suffering from gout, arthritis or rheumatism.
- Due to its cleansing properties Juniper berry is also known to help conditions of the urinary tract such as cystitis.
- As well as cleansing and detoxing the body, Juniper berry is also known to have a calming effect on the mind and so is beneficial for those suffering from stress, anxiety or the post festive blues.
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