it's the last week of summer (well the last week before Kiya goes back to school) and I'm feeling incredibly rested, recharged and ready for Autumn and I hope you are too!
Even if you're not involved with the rhythm of the school year, September is the time where we settle back down into work or study, feel inspired to learn something new, take up a new hobby or breathe life into an old project as we return feeling refreshed and energized.
Well in the spirit of Autumn I'm really looking forward to getting back into my work and treating you all again; and hoping you'll enjoy some of the new things I have planned for you over the coming months.....
A new face cradle
It's really important that you feel comfortable when lying on your front, especially when it's for a long period of time and so I have been on a quest to find the most comfortable face cradle there is for my massage table.
I think I found it! Well everyone is telling me that this new one (made of memory foam) is much softer then the previous one with less pressure on the sinuses; so come and try it out!
A bigger treatment room!
Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, just making my treatment room bigger. Yes I'm really looking forward to this as it means I will have a lot more space to do consultations, postural analysis and yoga stretches (on and off table) which will help transform the way I work.
Not only this but the room will open out onto my back yard (lovely in the summer) and will be a more spacious and tranquil place for you to enjoy treatment....so watch this space!
A really nice treatment for repetitive strain injury
With so many of us spending increasing amounts of time slumped over a computer it is little wonder that we suffer from stiff necks and aches and pains in the upper back and shoulders. With muscular tension building in these areas, Repetitive strain injury becomes a concern; as blood circulation becomes impeded and muscles in the forearms lack the oxygen they require to function properly.
This combined with Bad posture, stress and the Continual use of the same muscles with little or no variation such as such as when we're typing, using smart phones, playing an instrument, knitting or playing certain sports; and we have all the ingredient needed to tip the balance into repetitive strain injury.
The treatment routine I learned for RSI (which is also a great preventative treatment) involves working to release tension in the neck, shoulders, arms and hands, open the chest, flush the arms of toxins and increase oxygenated blood to the tissues, with the use of hot and cold stones. More advanced massage techniques such as trigger point therapy and myofascial release are also included as well as home care advice on correct posture and self stretching exercises.
I will be writing a more in depth article explaining what kinesio taping is all about soon; but in very simple terms, when kinesiology tape is applied to the skin over an inflamed injured muscle, the stretch in the tape gently lifts the skin creating space between the skin and the muscle below.
This improves blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissue, drains away fluid and thus bringing down inflammation and accelerating the healing process. Pressure on the pain receptors is relieved and there is immediate pain relief.
Kinesiology tape can be worn for 4-5 days after application and is very beneficial for joint pain, soft tissue injuries, overuse injuries, swelling and oedema, postural problems and foot pain.
New essential oils
I recently did an essential oil order and now have some lovely new additions to the old favorites; and I must have been feeling a bit christmassy at the time (sorry) as there is mandarin, cinnamon, myrrh, clove and nutmeg to name just a few! They all smell gorgeous with their own unique properties and benefits and will be lovely to use during your winter massages.
Heated table
Speaking of winter massages the heated blanket will be coming out again soon (although hopefully not too soon) so get ready to melt that tension away!
I look forward to treating you soon
Beth x