The expansive energy of spring and the longer lighter days urges us to get up and moving and there is an aliveness to the body. In fact our body is our home and just as we spring clean our living space, thought should be given to cleaning our body (and inner home) too.
For a healthy body is like a circuit or a series of channels in which energy, fresh oxygenated blood, lymph, fluid and solid matter moves freely. Daily stress, sedentary lifestyles, poor eating habits and bad posture, however, create blockages (clutter!) in the body resulting in ill health, muscular aches, pains and injury.
Massage plays an important role in relieving the mind and body of stress, nourishing and detoxing the body and localized muscle groups, improving postural awareness, creating space and allowing everything to flow. So if you're feeling sluggish, tired, bloated, head achy, irritable, low in mood or just generally uncomfortable in your body; then here's how a massage can help give your body (and mind) a good spring clean....
Helping the body let go of what it doesn't need....
- Massage as you know is very relaxing and so a great way to relieve the mind and body of stress, tension and anxiety.
- Massage stimulates the lymphatic system- the body's main system for eliminating waste and so has a detoxing effect on the whole body.
- A combination of massage strokes and alternating pressure gently compresses and stretches the muscle tissues enabling toxins and metabolic waste to be released; thus reducing muscular aches and pains (especially after exercise) and improving the overall health and function of the muscles.
- A 1/4 of all toxins released daily are through the skin- the largest organ of elimination. Dry skin brushing at the beginning of massage greatly enhances detoxification.
- Having a massage scheduled in the diary creates space for valuable 'me time' and a chance to just STOP for an hour or so in our otherwise very busy and hectic lives.
- Relaxation de-clutters the mind of its constant chatter and creates a feeling of calmness and space within.
- Releasing tension from the upper body allows the shoulders to drop and space to be created around the head, neck and shoulders. This improves our posture; and with our head up and our chest open we not only feel better but we breath better too.
- Healthy muscles are made up of individual fibers which glide smoothly along side each other much like strings on an instrument. Over time or as a result of bad posture, emotional stress, injury or overuse these fibers mat together to form 'knots' which effect the function of nerves, create blockages in blood and lymph circulation and cause stiffness and restriction in movement. Massage aims to break down these knots and create space between the muscle fibers.
- Physically working into chronically tight, congested muscles allows trapped toxins to be released thus easing chronic aches and pains.
- Cleansing essential oils such as lemon, cypress, geranium, grapefruit, juniper and rosemary are really nice oils to use in a massage at this time of the year as they aid in cleansing the body of harmful toxins that have been laying stagnant in our bodies.
- The phrase 'our issues are in our tissues' is very true in that our bodies act like sponges or shock absorbers that take on much of our emotional stress. It is not uncommon after a deep massage to feel tearful as if the body has been wrung out of all the emotional 'stuff' that we have been carrying.
- Massage opens up the body allowing fresh nutrient rich blood, lymph, fluid and waste to move freely thus bringing life and energy to the body.
- Breaking down knots, adhesions and correcting muscular restrictions around the upper back, neck and shoulders allows fresh oxygenated blood and lymph to flow unimpeded to and from the arms, wrists and hands. This is very important in preventing Repetitive Strain Injury.
- Stretching, lengthening and re aligning the muscle fibers create clear channels for blood and lymph to flow to localized muscle group, surrounding ligaments and joints thus keeping them healthy and less prone to injury.
- Nerves governing vital organs are given the space to function properly without being compressed by knots, adhesions and muscular restrictions brought about by poor posture; and so all systems of the body are able to function effectively.
- The life force energy known as 'prana', 'chi' or 'ki' in different traditions such as yoga and martial arts is encouraged to move freely around the body as stagnant trapped energy is released. This brings life and balance back to the mind, body and spirit.
So as you clean your home this spring spare a thought for your mind and body too and book yourself in for a massage!
Beth x